Sunday, September 18

Lying Game... Over Exposed

Not only is Emma going to her first Homecoming dance, she’s also running for Homecoming Queen against Sutton’s main rival Nisha. Emma convinces Kristin and Ted to un-ground Laurel for a night and let her go to the dance in order to support Justin, who is running for Homecoming King. Meanwhile, Nisha exposes Mads and Eduardo to Alec but Mads attempts play it off.
At the dance Emma wins Queen and Justin wins King! As Emma and Justin begin their victory dance, Ethan (all dressed up in a tux!) arrives out of the blue and cuts in. Ethan and Emma kiss for the first time in front of the entire student body. In L.A., Sutton sees pictures of Emma and Ethan kissing at the dance, and in turn starts kissing Thayer.
Later, Emma finds a picture in the Mercer family album of her birth mother, Annie Hobbs, and realizes that she went to Arroyo High School back in the day with Ted and Alec.

Wednesday, September 7

Secret Life...Summer Finale...And Circumstance

Miss the Summer Finale?Grace helps Jack write a speech for graduation. John keeps saying the word “ring” to Amy. Amy starts thinking that Ricky's going to propose, so she accidently starts a rumor at school that Ricky is going to propose. Ben takes Adrian out for a celebratory meal and tells her to give up on Ricky. George and Anne sleep together, but George calls them “friends” afterwards. Jack gives a great opening to graduatcion followed by Ricky's incredible speech. With the biggest shocker of all, Ricky proposes to Amy during his valedictorian speech. All the kids arrive at Jesse’s lake house for the graduation party. There are some old and new faces like Griffin and Peter; and Wendy, Raven, Mercedes, and Dylan from a different high school. Raven turns out to be Daniel’s ex-girlfriend. Ricky and Amy make a grand entrance into the party and AMy tells Ricky that he needs to kiss Adrian so Adrian can finally give up on him. So Ricky kisses Adrian in front of everyone for one last time. Omar is upset with Adrian for kissing Ricky and Daniel is upset that his ex-girlfriend is there -- so they both leave without Adrian and Grace. The morning after, Lauren finds Madison in bed with her boyfriend Jesse ... and Alice finds Adrian with Henry! Ben and Dylan hit it off, and he’s happy to hear that she’s still a virgin. An incredible summer finale.

The Lying Game... Twinsense and sensibility

Alec is worried what will happen if Sutton finds out that her birth mother isn’t really dead. Something really bad happened a long time ago and both Alec and Ted have been covering it up ever since.
Emma has an intense recurring nightmare (in which she can’t breathe) that she discovers her and Sutton have both been having since childhood. Using the photo of Emma with her birth mother at age three, Sutton and Thayer are able to locate the burned down shell of a house where Emma grew up as a baby. They realize that the dream Emma was having was her being trapped in the house when it burned down all those years ago, and that through “twinsense” Sutton was experiencing the same nightmare. In the house they discover a mural that their birth mother signed, so now they know her name, Annie Hobbs.
Meanwhile, Justin takes Laurel on a first date where they randomly bump into Char and Mads. In order to save Ethan from being charged as an adult for stealing Sutton’s laptop, Laurel falsely confesses that she was the one who stole it and framed Ethan. And Mads tries to seduce Eduardo at the dance studio.

Thursday, September 1

Secret Life Sneak Peeks

GLEE Is Back... SEPT. 20th

Lying Game Sneak Peeks

Pretty Little Liars...Over My Dead Body

“A” sends Spencer, Aria, and Hanna all dolls that give them tasks to complete. And if they don’t complete them, “A” will kill Dr. Sullivan! Aria has to get rid of Jackie, Spencer has to break up with Toby in order to keep him safe, and Hanna must stop her dad from marrying Isabel. Emily doesn’t get a doll until the end of the episode -- when “A” leads her to a barn. Emily is locked in a garage with a running car until someone pulls her outside. Ali reveals herself to Emily and she can’t decide if she is an apparition or was actually alive. The Liars eventually find Emily and the girls think that Dr. Sullivan is buried under the ground. They use a shovel “A” gives them to dig her up. But “A” tips off the cops to their location and they find them with Ali’s murder weapon!

Secret Life...Pomp

Ricky still doesn't want to attend Jesse's party, and Amy doesn't understand why -- it's his last night of being a true "teenager" in high school ... doesn't he want to do something teenager-y? Little does Amy know Ricky has ulterior motives.Image from Pomp, air date August 29, 2011.Watch the latest episode of Secret Life on our Total Access Player! Everyone tries to get permission from their parents to attend Jesse's graduation party. Amy tries to get Ricky to go but little does she know it's the night he plans on proposing. Grace is angry with Adrian for going after Omar. Now that they are broke up, Alice and Henry tell Ben they have shared custody of him. Ricky finds out he's valedictorian and needs to write a speech. Katelyn tells Adrian she can take part in graduation. Katelyn also asks Jack to say a prayer at graduation. Jack uses writing the prayer as an excuse to work with Grace. George thinks there is a romance brewing between Anne and Nora. Leo asks Camille to dinner. Betty meets a divorce attorney at the airport while she's waiting for Leo's private jet who tells her he can win her half of everything. Kathleen thinks about meeting Jeff in Kenya. Omar kisses Adrian like she's never been kissed before. It only makes Adrian want to kiss Ricky more. Alice and Henry realize it's only fair if they "break up" with Ben too so all three of them are now alone. Ethan has to spend the summer in "juvie" doing community service work for sending the naked picture text. Margaret is thrilled when she finds out Ricky plans to propose to Amy.

Lying Game...Double Dibs

Alec gives Sutton's stolen laptop back to Derek (the teenager he hired to steal it). Alec has revenge on his mind. Meanwhile, Sutton apologizes to Ethan for keeping him in the dark about switching with Emma and going to LA to search for their biological mother. Dan tells Ethan to stay away from Sutton. She's bad news and he'll end up in trouble again. But Emma confesses to her parents that Ethan is really her boyfriend, not Luke. They decide to invite Ethan over for a family dinner.
While Laurel is practicing violin by herself in the outdoor amphitheater, a new hot guy Justin jogs by and introduces himself. She's instantly smitten. At Arroyo High School, Char is all over Justin and calls "dibs" on him. Too bad for Laurel, the "dibs" code was invented by Sutton to keep the girls from stealing each other's boyfriends. Later that night at the Mercer household where Ethan is having dinner with Emma's family, his brother Dan, the cop, interrupts to say that he found Sutton's stolen laptop in Ethan's truck. Ethan says he was framed, that somebody else stole it and planted it on him.
Meanwhile, Thayer and Sutton track down Ruth Peterson (the woman whose name is on both Emma and Sutton's birth certificates) where she works at the local library. Ruth attempts to run away but they catch her. She confesses that she is not their real mother, and that she was paid by a baby broker for the use of her name because their real mother wanted her true identity kept a secret.

Sunday, August 28

Pretty Little Liars... I Must Confess

Emily has been targeted by "A" as the weakest link. "A" texts Emily a pic of Ezra and a dark haired girl kissing and tells her to give it to Ella. The girls decide it’s time to confess about "A" to Dr. Sullivan. They do and they find a confidante on their side. But Dr. Sullivan gets a harassing phone call from "A" of a recording from one of her sessions with the girls. After lots of research in her files, Sullivan tells Emily to meet her at the office because she knows who "A" is. But when the Liars get there... Dr. Sullivan is gone.