Wednesday, July 13

Nine Lives

This week on the Nine Lives of Chloe King, Chloe gets some surprise visitors, two Mai from South America. Nikki and Lilah come as both a shock to Chloe and to Jasmine, who is more suspicious than her naïve Uniter. Their visit is kicked off strangely when one says to Jasmine, “Uniter belongs to all of us”…creepy.
In other Chloe news, her dad emailed back! Is it just me or wasn’t he supposed to be dead? Chloe is suspicious as well and asks him to send her a message so she’s sure. Perhaps her father really is the one on the other end? If so, why has he been hiding out pretending to be dead?
Back in the human world Amy is having a few issues with Paul, apparently there perfect relationship isn’t so perfect, and Amy wants Paul to kick it up a notch in the romance department. Perhaps a best friend doesn’t also make the best boy friend? To sort things out for Amy, Chloe spills the beans to Paul and tells him to take things to the next level. Obviously Paul did not get the memo that she meant romantically and surprised Amy by lying naked in her bed. Wrong move Paul.

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