Though the trip to the E.R. was bad for Em, it was good for Spencer as it gave her the opportunity to do some snooping in the hospital. Spencer successfully fled Garrett's cop car after Aria's text warning at the end of last week's episode, and after spying he and a lingerie-clad Jenna having sexytimes, Spencer was more determined than ever to track down information about Alison's murder (without police intervention). Thanks to a tip from Wren, she discovered everything she needed was filed in the basement of the the morgue. With dead bodies.
While the Spencer and Aria were downstairs sporting candy-striper outfits and sniffing around corpses, Em was dealt even worse news: Her blood tests came back positive for human growth hormones! She had no idea how the enhancers got in her system, but because she is a minor, rounding Wren informed her that her dad would have to be told. Which made Emily decide she was going to confess her dirty Danby secret. But after a heartfelt speech from her father in which he assured they'd find another way to pay for college, Emily's resolve faltered.
As the liars worked to uncover the truth at the hospital, Hanna had other matters on her mind, namely, her parents' on-again-off-again relationship and the guy tailing her not-quite-boyfriend Caleb. Hanna decided to forget about her parental woes and whisked Caleb to Spencer's cabin.

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